"Criminal defense lawyers initially defend innocent people, because guilt is only legally established by a court at the end of a criminal trial - and then the criminal defense is usually over."
Tax criminal law is a highly complex and complicated subject, particularly because it can affect anyone and often comes out of the blue without you being aware of any wrongdoing. Unlike many aspects of criminal law, which include a clearly recognizable prohibition on certain actions that a normal person can understand (you shall not kill; you shall not steal; ...), tax criminal offenses can actually be committed without being aware that the action is wrong.
The increasing intensity of government action is leading to a significant increase in the number of cases of taxpayers being prosecuted by the tax authorities' fines and criminal law departments (BUSTRA). This is also a development of internal tightening (if a tax inspector does not report inconsistencies, he may be guilty of obstruction of justice in office), and is often "just" a routine procedure that is then concluded without consequences after a hearing and clarification.
No matter how seemingly harmless a notification of the initiation of proceedings may seem, or how concerned you are about it, such matters should always be taken seriously immediately. The fact that you can and should avoid the risk of criminal liability by following the correct tax law in advance does not change the fact that you need to clarify the matter once you know that proceedings have been initiated. In all cases, it is important to remain calm, not to ignore or delay the matter, and to seek expert advice. The tax authorities have an extensive range of tools for gathering information, and once proceedings have been initiated, they take their course - coordinated or perhaps problematically uncoordinated (searches; seizures; physical arrest).
Currently, there is a noticeable increase in the severity of the procedure, with tax advisors being accused as far as this is even remotely justifiable, with the result that any trust is destroyed, the motivation of the taxpayer to take action against the advisor, and the (theoretical) constitutionally protected relationship of trust between the advisor and his client is further undermined. To date, the professional associations have not developed any initiative to challenge the irrelevant and therefore unconstitutional difference between clergy, lawyers or tax advisors with regard to the right to confidentiality (the obligation on the one hand represents a right on the other, which is increasingly being eroded). Even lawyers - even if they are not involved, i.e. accused - are no longer fully protected from searches (2 BvR 1405/17, 2 BvR 1780/17, 2 BvR 1562/17, 2 BvR 1287/17, 2 BvR 1583/17 "Jones Day" - last updated 09/2021).
We also represent professionals, including before the professional associations, since if a criminal offense is alleged, the professional associations are automatically informed of the opening of the proceedings and the course of the proceedings. If the prison sentence is 12 months or more (or a comparable sentence), the withdrawal of the licence must automatically be discussed.
Die Gefahr der Strafbarkeit verlagert sich immer mehr auch auf die Berufsträger. Was früher etwas arg "lasch" gehandhabt wurde, verkehrt sich jetzt ins Gegenteil. Steuerberater werden schon aus taktischen Gründen (damit ist die Kommunikation mit dem Mandanten fast zwingend unterbrochen und die Möglichkeit der Durchsuchung bei einem zur Verschwiegenheit verpflichtet und berechtigten Berufsträger ist eröffnet) in die Ermittlungen einbezogen.
Oft sind Strafverfahren das Resultat einer nicht belastbaren Dokumentationslage, die sich in Betriebsprüfungen herauskristallisiert hat. Auf gut Deutsch: eine Buchhaltung entspricht nicht den Anforderungen, die das Finanzamt erwarten darf. Buchführungen können unter gewissen, nicht seltenen Umständen, verworfen werden. Das bedeutet, dass auf diesen Zahlen keine Steuerermittlung möglich und gestattet ist, klassischerweise kommt es zu zum Teil erheblichen Zuschätzungen, die Differenz zwischen erklärter Steuer und Zuschätzungsergebnis ist dann eine zu gering erklärte Steuer, die klassischerweise als strafbar eingestuft wird.
Diesen Umstand kann man durch Herstellung einer korrekten Dokumentation unter Umständen beseitigen, auf ebenso gut Deutsch: wenn man die Buchhaltung korrekt aufarbeitet (was Zeit kostet), kann man damit ggf. wieder einen belastbaren Zustand erreichen, der dann auch für das Finanzamt maßgeblich ist.
Wir haben die Kapazitäten und das know-how um auch über Jahre zurück Buchhaltungen korrekt (neu) aufzubauen.